Caven houston gay bars

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We all showed up to work one day to find a sign that said the business was closed and were no longer with jobs, Some of us didn’t get paid for the last weeks of work, some of us had multiple checks bounce, and some of us are also in the negative with bank accounts due to multiple checks returned for non sufficient funds.

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The club were working for was sold, and we are excited about a new beginning, what we didn’t expect was for things to end like they did before the transition happened. As ashamed as we are to ask for help we have to. According to a regular at OCH they say it will stay the same but in the meantime the bar staff and performers seem to be posting on a GoFundMe post:

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We were in Austin right after this happened and asked around and were told it was bought by the folks that own Rain on 4th. Oil Can Harry’s or OCH had a sign on the door that said it was closed for maintenance and repairs.

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